Class Change Time Clocks. Delay In Manufacture
Posted by      09/08/2021 16:03:35     Class Change Time Clocks    Comments 0
Class Change Time Clocks. Delay In Manufacture

2020 & 2021 have been strange years but the lockdowns did give us chance to create our range of products; Something which we have been meaning to do for many years.


Back in April 2020, we sat down to create our first products; A range of highly advanced Class Change time clocks for indicating class change events in schools or colleges. These are also sometimes referred to as class change timers or school bell systems.

Within the following 12 months, we completed our research and development of these class change timers, designed & created the PCB's, wrote the firmware, and designed the enclosures and graphic overlays... mostly whilst working from home!

Once ready, we then sent our range of Class Change Time Clocks to a test house for EMC testing and all passed with flying colours.


Then, once we have completed the documentation for these, we come to start their manufacture only to find that the current worldwide silicon shortage is preventing us from sourcing the components required to manufacture these. Components such as the microchips & real-time clocks required.

This is where we are at today (08/08/2021).


We have been able to manufacture 25 of our Economy Class Change Timer but we are unsure how long it will be until we can source components reliably enough to ensure a continuous supply of these.


Please check back soon to see our progress.


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